Thursday, August 19, 2010

Customizable newletter with Teaching Tips

Here is a link to a useful customizable newsletter from the Center for Applied Second Language Studies -

This is what they say about it:

InterCom: The Busy Teachers' Newsletter

Between planning lessons, grading students' work, meeting with parents and administrators, organizing after-school activities, and attending teacher in-service days, who has time to stay apprised of recent developments in the field? Let CASLS help!

Our staff subscribes to numerous listservs and taps our national network to create InterCom, a customizable weekly newsletter designed for the time-pressed educator. Members receive a short description with links to resources that match their interests, such as curriculum, workshops, assessment, funding opportunities, and more.

InterCom Features

Available free of charge
Arrives once a week
Incorporates information from numerous listservs and Web sites
Customizable to match individual preferences
Access to over five thousand past articles