Friday, August 15, 2008

Organization for TESOL Professionals

Here's the link to the British professional organization, IATEFL, the International Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language.

Many of their resources are accessible to members only, but it's well worth joining.

One resource that is available to non-members is a selection of newsletters on a very wide variety of useful topics

Resources for K-12 teachers

For those of you who work with K-12 English language learners, here's a link to TESOL's resource center for teachers and administrators.

This is what the introductory blurb says, "The Tapestry is an extensive resource center that has been developed for teachers and administrators in grades preK - 12 who work with children who are English language learners. It presents the findings of research and teaching resources that are directly applicable in the classroom. Research included is on second language acquisition and teaching strategies.
The Tapestry Library presents websites on Curriculum, Program and Professional Development, Bilingualism and Heritage Languages, Immigrants and Regugees, Family and Community Involvement, Legislation and Policy, Government Resources, and Funding. "

Thursday, August 14, 2008


Here's a link to a variety of webquests, language development activities designed so that students seek out topically related material on the internet. They are aimed at a variety of levels and deal with a variety of topics - from Nelson Mandela, to soccer, to computer games.

Good fun and great inspiration for designing your own!

Sunday, August 10, 2008

If you're researching teaching qualifications...

If you're considering getting into the profession, or thinking about a further qualification, here's a link to a directory of programs. It is not a complete listing and seems to focus on U.S. based programs, although this may change.

Organization for TESOL Professionals

Here's the link to the U.S. organization for TESOL professionals. It's a huge website with a lot of resources, some of which are only available to members.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Cooperative Learning Strategies

Here's a link to a page with a variety of cooperative learning strategies. They're aimed at K-12 and broadly applicable to most content areas, including ESOL.